the past forty years, thousands of Cuban exiles have crossed the Florida
straits and made Miami their home. Not only did they change the face of an
entire city, they created an exciting new American culture. Bringing the soul
of Havana with them, they re-energized Miami�s commerce and community life,
and authored a unique chapter in the history of immigrants in the United
States. In his book, Ferdie Pacheco depicts the lives of these brave people,
and offers readers a fascinating collection of their personal stories.
of Pacheco�s work possesses a strong narrative quality that brings to life
the experiences of the Cuban exile community. Those paintings which tell no
stories per se, are explained with colorful anecdotes, as in the Quince:
The Last Fitting (page 30) which includes essays on the customs of the �Quince� celebration in Cuban life.
of Pacheco�s paintings are highly personal statements born of actual events
experienced at his Calle Ocho medical practice, which he opened in 1960
to help indigent Cuban refugees. Whenever possible, he allows these refugees
to tell their own stories. Other times, he relates his own experiences on the
colorful streets of Miami, as in the Vigil: Call Them and They Will Come
(p 60), The Loneliness of the Late Breaking News (p 68), Sunday
Shutout (p 29) and The Cubans are Coming (p 25).
Art Of The Cubans In Exile is not a history of Cuban emigration all over the
world, rather it is a complication of his firsthand observations and reminiscences of
Miami, as seen from the windows of
his medical practice. With this book, Ferdie Pacheco hopes to inspire
other Cuban writers, painters and
filmmakers to celebrate the lives of Cuban exiles in New York, Chicago, Tampa, ersey City, Boston and elsewhere.