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"The Fight Doctor"

Ybor City Chronicles

by Ferdie Pacheco M.D.

��� "Ferdie Pacheco takes us to a vanished time and place, full of�affectionate laughter, the invincible optimism of immigrants, and the� delicious aroma�of good cigars.� He makes all of us wish we'd� grown up in Ybor City." -Pete Hamill


��� "As anyone knows who tunes him in on national TV as 'The Fight� Doctor,' Ferdie Pacheco is a world-class spellbinder.� But catching� that verbal�magic on a page is a rare gift.� The proof is in the reading� of this racy, vivid, evocative page tuner, as much fun to read as� Ferdie had living it in this�unique Cuban enclave, a world unto itself� that he re-creates for us in Pachecoese, a lingua franca of the� spirit." -Budd Schullberg


��� "Ferdie Pacheco's incomparable insights bring Tampa's vintage� Ybor City alive again.� Dr. Pacheco has delivered a gem." - Shirley� Povich,�Washinton Post�


��� "'Fight Doctor' Ferdie Pacheco doesn't pull any punches in� writing his recollections of growing up in Ybor City.� He's a rare� raconteur whose humor�highlights and humanizes what really� happened behind the headlines in a unique community.� Ybor City� Chronicles brings back a climactic era�when larger-than-life� personalities still held sway in Tampa's Latin Quarter." -Leleand� Hawes, Tampa Tribune



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